I have started this blog in hopes of keeping my family and friends updated on the happenings of my life. I also want to start to remember those things that are important to me. While this may not be the most exciting blog in the expanse of cyberspace at least it is a chance to keep in contact with my loved ones.
For example, today I went to the grocery to do some shopping before school. I got some fruit. I am now at school and have had four music classes and a drum class. The 4th grade guitar players are setting up now. I better get out there to subdue the chaos.
40min. later...all done!
The rest of the day I will be teaching and then I will go home to my messy house.
Today though my real post is on my notebooks. as many of you know I am a lover of all things paper and I love notebooks. I have over 20 notebooks filled with lists, recipes, journal entries, math problems, drawings, house plans, pictures, and everything I find worthy of writing down.
I have just today started a cafe and wine review notebook.
At UOP I had a theater professor that forced us to write three pages of journal each day. I hated it! He never cared what we wrote, as long as we did it. Many times he would get pages of curse words and letters telling him how much I hated to write. If only he could see me now!