There was a bee-i-ee-i-ee,
Sat on a wall-i-all-i-all,
And there he sat-i-at-i-at,
And that was all-i-all-i-all.
Until a boy-i-oy-i-oy,
Who had a stick-i-ick-i-ick;
He gave that bee-i-ee-i-ee
An awful lick-i-ick-i-ick.
So then that bee-i-ee-i-ee
Began to sting-i-ing-i-ing;
He stung that boy-i-oy-i-oy
Like anything-i-ing-i-ing.
And then that boy-i-oy-i-oy
Began to yell-i-ell-i-ell.
He told that bee-i-ee-i-ee
To go to...
Sat on a wall-i-all-i-all,
And there he sat-i-at-i-at,
And that was all-i-all-i-all.
Until a boy-i-oy-i-oy,
Who had a stick-i-ick-i-ick;
He gave that bee-i-ee-i-ee
An awful lick-i-ick-i-ick.
So then that bee-i-ee-i-ee
Began to sting-i-ing-i-ing;
He stung that boy-i-oy-i-oy
Like anything-i-ing-i-ing.
And then that boy-i-oy-i-oy
Began to yell-i-ell-i-ell.
He told that bee-i-ee-i-ee
To go to...
It's not what you think!
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