If things were happy and I was not walking through the valley of the shadow right now, it would be a bohemian day. When I say that I am feeling bohemian people look at me funny. Bohemianism (yes, it is a word!!!) is the practice of an unconventional lifestyle, often in the company of like-minded people, involving musical, artistic or literary pursuits, with few permanent ties. Bohemians can be wanderers, adventurers, or vagabonds.
Well, crap, that last part is kind of difficult to feel comfortable with right now. The term bohemian, of French origin, was first used in the English language in the nineteenth century[1] to describe the non-traditional lifestyles of marginalized and impoverished artists, writers, journalists, musicians, and actors in major cities. What the what!?! Marginalized and impoverished. Well that sucks.
So your no longer in the valley. Celebrate!